/   Testimonials


When I first met Kim, I was in a panic mode. My wedding was only 3 months away and like every other brides, I wanted to look beauiful. I started working out on my own but it wasn't enough to lose weight in such a short period of time. I finally made a decision to see Kim and I am glad I did. She not only helped me lose all the stored fat I had in my body, I got stronger!

In just 3 months, I lost over 20lbs. Before seeing Kim, I was size 8 and now I can fit into size 2 dresses. It was a difficult battle with myself. Without Kim's support and guidance, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish my goal. I looked fit and fabolous on my wedding day and I have pictures to prove it!

No more excuses why you can't lose weight. Everyone can - you just need the motivation and support from the expert. If you listen to Kim, you will reach your goals! I promise.


 Before-After Min
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The expression you are what you eat rings true to me. I loved pop and chips (and I still do the odd time, but shhhh don’t tell Kim). I can remember vividly driving in my car one day, looking down at what appeared to be my abnormally HUGE thighs and thinking to myself I need to make a change.

I initially started my own nightly workout routine of walking and eventually running, however, that wasn’t enough - that was the motivation that lead me to Kim.  I needed someone to guide and push me in those moments of weakness.  With Kim it’s motivating, never a routine. Every part of my body including parts that I didn’t even know existed have had a workout. She has inspired me to continue this healthy lifestyle. To date I have lost over 20lbs and counting. Kim is not only a great Personal Trainer (more like fitness expert); she is also a great person and friend. Your success is Kim’s mandate and promise. I can guarantee that you will reach your goals and you’ll be on the road to a healthier you in no time.


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I have known Kim for over ten years and she has helped me train and transform my body for the most important and influential moments in my life.  She helped me get into great shape for my wedding and after the birth of all three of my children,she helped me get back into my pre-pregnancy weight (with my youngest child only being seven months old). My success is due largely because she never let me give up on myself.  She is constantly pushing me to go a little bit further and work a little bit harder. If you want to reach your goals, if you want to transform yourself into a better you, I would strongly recommend training with Kim. Her knowledge and understanding of what her clients need from her is indispensable. Thank you Kim for believing in me, for helping me get my life back on track and for making me healthier and stronger than ever. - Rose
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Exclusively 1 on 1 Fitness with Kim Luu I would need a book to give true feedback on Kim’s training.  I know I must condense my feedback in to a few paragraphs. Here goes, I have never gone to a personal trainer.  I have had an exercise routine and thought it was enough.  Many of my friends raved about Kim’s training and I was intrigued but still I waited over a year to attend a session. Once I did I was hooked.  I could not believe how out of shape I was.  I was convinced a trainer would cause me to get big muscles or my biggest worry was I would hurt myself. Neither is the case.  Kim’s personal attention offers me training FOR ME, personalized.  Yes I have built muscles but the right ones and in the right spots.  I also was very concerned about hurting my lower back in the process and Kim helped me understand that my back problems were from weak stomach muscles.  I hate to say she was right.  I wish I knew that before I wasted time at the chiropractor! Kim is engaged in the training, working along with me and watching me every step of the way.  In 5 short months I have seen enormous improvement.  I used to hide my trouble spots, upper arms, upper back thighs, we all know those places, but now they have completely improved.  I do not think I have ever had muscle tone in my arms before and certainly not a toned (behind). I also complained in the beginning that I could not do many things such as balancing or weights with lunges, once again I thought I would get hurt.  Kim showed me otherwise and now I have increased balance and truly can do so many things I never thought I could do. I have not even told you the best part.  I am a better me, why?  Because I have a healthy routine and I look forward to working out and seeing the progress.  I feel better overall and have a more positive outlook.  And I love working out with Kim and my other friends. - Debbie Frye
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They say that three times is the charm and in my case that is certainly the truth Kim was not my first personal trainer she was in fact my third but she will be my last. What is extraordinary about Kim is her honesty and commitment to her client’s success. I doubted like many people that I could get results, that I could change my habits and thought that a well-toned healthy muscular body was impossible for me. That was less than three months ago and then I took one of Kim’s group “bootcamp” style classes and I was immediately hooked. Over the past two decades I have taken up exercise programs and failed repeatedly. Less than three months after starting a workout regimen with Kim I am down almost twenty-five pounds and that is just the beginning. Kim is more than just a personal trainer she truly is a lifestyle coach. I cannot recommend highly enough the pleasure it is to train with someone who is as invested in my outcome as I am. - Andrea
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I have been a client of Kim’s for 2 years now, and I am thrilled with the level of service she always provides, as well as the results I have attained!  Prior to meeting Kim, I dabbled in exercising, but found it to tough to stay motivated, and lacked overall dedication and consistency to my gym routine.  Although I wasn’t specifically looking to lose weight, I knew that my cardiovascular health and overall physique could be better, so when a friend recommended Kim I was eager and curious to try something new.  Since then, I have never looked back!  I have reached all my goals and continue to make other improvements, all the while having fun!  Kim is a very talented trainer, and brings enthusiasm and intensity to every single workout!  It is very apparent that she is truly passionate about what she does, and always strives to get the best out of her clients.  Meeting Kim has changed my life in many positive ways, and I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking to get healthy and fit! - Maya
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